Sphere Separator Design Comparison

Published on September 18, 2021
Sphere Separator Design Comparison

Not all spheres are created equal.

That’s the lesson that producers have learned in the Permian basin. Traditionally, options for sand separators have been limited to using either low storage and flow-sensitive vertical cyclonics, or low efficiency generic spheres to manage sand. Functional differences in technology, design, innovation, and quality of material may not be apparent on the surface but ultimately impacts overall production in addition to bottom-line. Making it crucial for decision makers to understand the differences between separator technologies and how to manage produced sand most effectively.

Our newest report in the Sandbox shows proven field results comparing Sandtinel’s spheres using patented Vapor Lock technology against generic spherical separators that have been on the ground for more than 10 years. Generic spheres, such as the “Super Sand Hog” or “NOV Sand Trap”, have proven to have low separation efficiency and high back pressures which lead to reduced overall production.

A recent paper from Occidental Resources submitted at URTeC found in the Wolfcamp that “an aggressive flowback strategy can speed up the production rate tremendously early in the life of a well.” “An aggressive flowback […] opens the choke quickly to full capacity if there is no sand control issue.”1 One of the biggest limits on running an aggressive strategy is having sand management that you can rely on at high rates of production.

Sandtinel is a sphere that you can trust, with an operating envelope up to 4,000 BBL/day higher than generic spheres. Our efficiency promise is a minimum of 95% sand removal of 100 mesh sand, and producers all over North America have seen the difference. Generic spheres are old technology with low storage capacity, low efficiency, and high fugitive GHG emissions. Our Sandtinel team is excited and eager to show you the difference that Vapor Lock technology can make for your flowback.

Don’t let a subpar sphere be the bottleneck in your flowback. Take a look at our newest report and decide for yourself which sand separator you want to trust your equipment with.

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