Sandtinel Unit
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Revolutionary Sand Separators

It's what's inside that counts.

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Arrow Down Simple Red
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Sandtinel Fleet Web Min
Shut Ins
Plugged Filters
Raking Sand
Diamond Red Gradient

Multi-Well Services

Trusted, automated, real-time control.

Data-centric, cyber-secure, remote automation of sand dumping process for multiple wells and facilities.

More information

Remote Automation

For smarter, greener, safer and cleaner operations. 

Fugitive Emissions 

When operated properly, Sandtinel emissions are nearly zero and completely remove operator from the red zone during dumping.


No cleanouts, longer equipment lifespan, lower operating costs, simple to set up, operate, manage, and monitor production flow and dump cycles.

Operator Safety

Sandtinel units are designed for quick, easy, and safe operation to deliver zero exposure, shut-in downtime, or carryover.  

Confidence and

No more micromanaging. Leave Sandtinel on site for the whole job to handle everything from initial flowback to long-term production.

Multi-Well DIspatcher

The Sandtinel Dispatcher is an automated dump solution fully integrated within the Sandtinel framework that can be operated on a timed basis or connected to Sandtinel's Sand Management System (SMS).

Remote Automation of Dumping Process for Multiple Wells.

  • Trusted, automated, uncrewed actuation of dumping process to tank.
  • Sand measurement system integration.
  • Minimization of stray GHG emissions in sand dumping.
  • 24/7 operator out of red zone, monitors multiple pad sites.
  • Data-centric, remote control, cyber-secure.
  • Supervisory control system software regularly updated with new features.
  • Synergy with bi-fuel substitution on frac side, gas capture and processing on flowback (zero-flare).
Multi Well Dispatcher (no Background, Greys)

Flexible Skid Placement

The Multi-Well Dispatcher utilizes Satellite Skids to throttle multiple wells through the Sandtinel Dispatcher.

  • Air-actuated automated valve
  • Additional manual back-up
  • PIT pressure measurement
  • Field maintenance with ease
Sandtinel Mwd Skid Min

CFD Modeling & Analysis

For specific well conditions, Sandtinel offers CFD simulations, performance estimates, emissions comparisons, and more upon request. Customizable packages and units are also available case by case to handle more challenging conditions.

Media4 Gif Sand Modeling

Book a Demo


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Our Locations:

There are hundreds of Sandtinel units in use across North America, and we're here to support your operations in any basin withย offices in:

Map Na Greyscale
North Dakota
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